Class Information/Secret Reader Sign up

Homework is given every night Monday- Thursday, unless otherwise noted, and handed in the next day.  The students are responsible for copying the assignments down into their homework notebook.  Homework should take the children about 30-45 minutes to complete.  The purpose of homework given is to review/reinforce daily assignments, therefore students should not need a lot of assistance.  If your child struggles, please just allow them to do what they can do and send a note or email the next day.  On top of homework, please encourage reading 20-30 minutes and practicing math facts each night.  Please check over your child's homework notebook each evening.  This notebook contains homework assignments, project due dates and classroom reminders.

If a student misses an assignment, a “Missing Assignment Slip” will be sent home and the homework should be made up that night.  Homework will be recorded and used for homework grades on report cards.

Your child's birthday is a very special day!  In lieu of sending in a birthday treat, your child can bring in a book for me or you to read and share and/or donate a book to our classroom library.

VIP of the Week:
During the first week of school, your child will be bringing home a poster to decorate for when it is their turn for VIP.  Each week we will pick a new student to be VIP and on that Friday, if they choose to do so, they will have an opportunity to bring in a special item for a show and tell.  Throughout their week they will also have some special privileges.

Classroom Donations:
We are always accepting donations for our classroom library.  We are also in need of board games for the cold indoor recess months. Checkers, Chess, Guess Who, Connect Four, Sorry, and Uno are popular and don't have many pieces. :)   Please keep in mind classroom donations are completely voluntary! Thank you!!

Secret Reader:
Secret Reader will be held on Fridays 2:00-2:20.  Secret Reader sign up